Friday 29 November 2013

Nigeria's soft drink market shrinking due to health consciousness?!....Is This True?!

Most Individuals consume soft drinks on a daily basis. Now,these soft deinks contain sweeteners such as Xylitol, Aspartame and Stevia, which we in one form or the other consume since the first of them, saccharin also known as "the poor man's sugar" was formulated by German chemists over a century ago.

Now its no news that most Nigerians are aware of the dangers caused by the comsumption of these sweeteners; and this makes them stop the purchase of these commodities,spread the word to their loved ones and subsequently the news goes around.

I believe Health Consciousness is the best thing that could happen to NIGERIANS, because the Market Place is filled with varieties of same products.If the Nigerian soft drink market are losing its customers based on this, then they were truly hired to wipe us away from the face of the earth.

You produce and release into the market, products that could risk Diabeties, Cancer, Stroke, Vomiting, Weight gain, Heart disease to a human being!!!!!.

Now, we are fully aware of these dangers; these companies rise to introduce "low-sugar drinks" which are more or less the same"

Nigerians Awake!! Be Health Conscious even the Market Place, its not all about the cash you are about to spend!

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