Wednesday 30 October 2013

World Bank ranks Nigeria 122nd best place to start a business

Lol@!.  Nigerians,please don't blame me on laughing on this one. This is just hilarious!!!
      Okay,it is not the best place to start a business,but it is a Great place to distribute your business!,ehn!!
There aint a product from around the world,that isnt found in Nigeria Markets,and that is because we dont trust our manufacturers back here.  The bad eggs among our manufacturers could make great products for 2 years,and then after that period,they start introducing substandard goods,to rip off Nigerians,because they feel the trust is already there.  What a backward and cynical way to think!!!.
    Most people will get angry and might even blame it on rasicm;but that is not the case today(believe me you).
       Reports show that Rwanda an Afican country(i might add),ranked 32nd on the list; adding that nine African countries make up the top 20 most improved in terms of business regulations since
The report said economies are ranked on their ease of doing business, from 1 – 189. A high ranking on the ease of doing business index means the regulatory environment is more conducive to the starting and operation of a local firm. - See more at:
        Now,these rankings are based on their ease of doing business;from 1-189.  It is a huge embarrasment that out of a total of 189 coutries evaluated, our Great Nation was ranked 185th.
 A high ranking on the ease of doing business index means the Regulatory Environment is more conducive to the starting and operation of a local firm.  How much are our regulatory agencies helping or marring local firms.  It is a very broad subject..
     I was opportuned to visit The Republic Of Togo,and the demeanor of their Regulatory officials towards foreigners was positively alarming.  You could take what you can and not what you cant.
I cant say the same about our own border;you could take in what you can and also what you cant!!
  Do not just get angry,WE are Nigeria.  Play your part in your various Market Places.
The report said economies are ranked on their ease of doing business, from 1 – 189. A high ranking on the ease of doing business index means the regulatory environment is more conducive to the starting and operation of a local firm. - See more at:
t nine African countries make up the top 20 most improved in terms of business regulations since 2009: Benin, Burundi, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and Togo - See more at:
t nine African countries make up the top 20 most improved in terms of business regulations since 2009: Benin, Burundi, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and Togo - See more at:
t nine African countries make up the top 20 most improved in terms of business regulations since 2009: Benin, Burundi, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and Togo. - See more at:
t nine African countries make up the top 20 most improved in terms of business regulations since 2009: Benin, Burundi, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and Togo. - See more at:
t nine African countries make up the top 20 most improved in terms of business regulations since 2009: Benin, Burundi, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and Togo. - See more at:
t nine African countries make up the top 20 most improved in terms of business regulations since 2009: Benin, Burundi, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and Togo. - See more at:

Tuesday 29 October 2013

New Inventions In The Market Place

  Adaobi is worried about the future of our Market Places. What motivated this post was the comment made by the Chairman,RLG communications,Manufacturer of the RLG phones.
      He lamented that 'Africa lacks global product,which is not too good for an emerging market' .
New Inventions In The Market Place today could be Global products tommorrow.
Daily, lots of new inventions are manufactured,but because of our impatience and also lack of will to give these new new products a fighting chance in the market place;these new manufacterers are discouraged to try.
     We complain of the low rate of employment in Nigeria,there are lots of Fresh Graduates who would want to make use of what they learnt,BUT, then again no trust.
Below,are two tablets from two different global companies;On the left(samsung);a product that has made a great name and also is wide known for the authenticity of its products,while,                                  On the right(RLG communications);a product that is yet to be released to the marked,has also has a lot of potential.Moreso,its an African product,facilitating employment in our nation. Which would you choose to purchase???

Saturday 26 October 2013

Corporate Social Responsibility In The Market Place

                   Corporate Social Responsibility is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model.   CSR policy functions as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby a business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards, and international norms. This term generally applies to company efforts that go beyond what may be required by regulators or environmental protection groups. Littlewonder, its been referred to as Corporate Conscience.    

The Market place,though,underated is a very important part of the Business society. Corporate Institutions could fufill their CSR's in the Workplace,Community,Environment;but when it gets to The Market Place,its like its non-existent. I think Nigeria should pass the era of just maximising profit.  How much VALUE do your goods and services create to The Market Place?;In what way do you support suppliers to grow their businesses?;Do you seek to operate in a mutual beneficial way with suppliers? It is not all about building schools,hospitals,or roads;neither is it all about your employees for the fear of the wrath of certain unions. Your CSR's is to all which your institutions have Impact on.The Market Place needs you to fufill your CSR's!!!!!!.

Friday 11 October 2013

The Sarcastic Ideas Of Business Men About Internet Marketing In Nigeria 2

Internet Marketing or Online Marketing refers to advertising and marketing efforts that use the Web and Email to facilitate direct sales via E-commerce as well as sales leads from Web Sites or Email.
In lay-man terms,it is a way of advertising your goods to a broader audience.
    Internet Marketing also suffer great criticism from the public,because of its less realistic features;that is its not a face-to-face transaction.
Some in the Market Place are well aware of the benefits of Internet Marketing,but would not dare to partake because they do not have much confidence in their products. They feel that the SON would be able to access the authenticity of their products easily,and their goods might be impounded if its not up to standard.
Little wonder,that most that partake in Internet/Online Marketing In Nigeria are traders of Services and not Physical Goods.!

Thursday 10 October 2013

The Sarcastic Ideas Of Business Men About Internet Marketing In NIGERIA 1

There are so many prosperous business men and women in this nation,but most of them stay as far as possible from the INTERNET.
Yes,they send messages back and forth to their suppliers,,but that is the end of it. In SOME countries,you could even find a home repairer,on the NET,but not in our GREAT country NIGERIA. 
Most of these business men have this ridiculous notion that they could be robbed off the internet,when they partake in internet marketing. SILLY!!!!

They even go as far as rejecting the offer of ATM CARDS from their various banks,which could facilitate their business transactions in so many ways;and that is because they believe  an internet nerd could just guess their banking details and robbed them of all their hard earned cash(which is less likely to happen when you dont disclose your banking details).                                                                  Now,when you get to their business offices,you could find  desks and chairs alright,but out of TEN,you would a PC in just two of them;and guess what its for;it's for the secretary to send messages back and forth to their suppliers,and that is just BAD!!!     

Most times,the idea of internet marketing is thrown out because these business men and women think that the government will find a way to trace their proceeds or income yearly and determine their TAX PAYMENTS.
So,you see;;They are just scared of the internet because of these sarcastic notions made to them by backward citizens.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

The Fear Of Buying Substandard (FAKE) Goods In The Alaba International Market.

Hey!,i get it too,that annoying hint of being had over and over again.It could be a phone today,but it could also be a deep freezer tomorrow. .But nevertheless,you could find some that could last you a life time.(could share my contacts!).Although the war on substandard goods is the responsibility of The Standard Organization Of Nigeria,,but it isn't their war alone. Importers and Exporters also play this part when they are  registered fully under SON and subject their goods to inspection before import or export are made.But as it is said the Goats will surely be found among the Sheep. What surprises me a ton is how substandard goods get imported into the market with the same SON CAP,which proves authenticity of a product???!. there surely is a leak somewhere!!!. Can SON protect the market no longer????!. Sometimes,the importers are clueless that the goods are just plain ole fake with a SON CAP for design.

The Market Place

The Market Place is often forgotten by us until we need something. That isn't right. One day we might wake up to find ourselves not familiar with that market environment,but that would not happen on my watch . Ada Ada will be here to take you through that familiar scenery you hate to get into on the weekends only,so you wont have to miss a thing.