Thursday 10 October 2013

The Sarcastic Ideas Of Business Men About Internet Marketing In NIGERIA 1

There are so many prosperous business men and women in this nation,but most of them stay as far as possible from the INTERNET.
Yes,they send messages back and forth to their suppliers,,but that is the end of it. In SOME countries,you could even find a home repairer,on the NET,but not in our GREAT country NIGERIA. 
Most of these business men have this ridiculous notion that they could be robbed off the internet,when they partake in internet marketing. SILLY!!!!

They even go as far as rejecting the offer of ATM CARDS from their various banks,which could facilitate their business transactions in so many ways;and that is because they believe  an internet nerd could just guess their banking details and robbed them of all their hard earned cash(which is less likely to happen when you dont disclose your banking details).                                                                  Now,when you get to their business offices,you could find  desks and chairs alright,but out of TEN,you would a PC in just two of them;and guess what its for;it's for the secretary to send messages back and forth to their suppliers,and that is just BAD!!!     

Most times,the idea of internet marketing is thrown out because these business men and women think that the government will find a way to trace their proceeds or income yearly and determine their TAX PAYMENTS.
So,you see;;They are just scared of the internet because of these sarcastic notions made to them by backward citizens.

1 comment:

Elsol said...

Hello Ada, this is an Amazing write and I feel the same way about our internet Ignorance too..You seem to have a lot to say and I am sure I would really like to follow you blog so that we can share Ideas::::::SOLOMON