Tuesday 29 October 2013

New Inventions In The Market Place

  Adaobi is worried about the future of our Market Places. What motivated this post was the comment made by the Chairman,RLG communications,Manufacturer of the RLG phones.
      He lamented that 'Africa lacks global product,which is not too good for an emerging market' .
New Inventions In The Market Place today could be Global products tommorrow.
Daily, lots of new inventions are manufactured,but because of our impatience and also lack of will to give these new new products a fighting chance in the market place;these new manufacterers are discouraged to try.
     We complain of the low rate of employment in Nigeria,there are lots of Fresh Graduates who would want to make use of what they learnt,BUT, then again no trust.
Below,are two tablets from two different global companies;On the left(samsung);a product that has made a great name and also is wide known for the authenticity of its products,while,                                  On the right(RLG communications);a product that is yet to be released to the marked,has also has a lot of potential.Moreso,its an African product,facilitating employment in our nation. Which would you choose to purchase???

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